Meet Josefina - Mary Alice Carnes!
Mary Alice Carnes plays Josefina in the NNPN rolling world premiere of Stephanie Alison Walker's THE MADRES for Shrewd Productions.

A message from Mary Alice
I am honored to be working on The Madres by Stephanie Walker and share this important time in history. I am grateful to Stephanie and Shrewd Productions for bringing this to life and for keeping the voices alive of all those who struggle for freedom.
About Mary Alice Carnes
She has with worked with Teatro Vivo as an actor and director including Cuento Navideño, Vecinos, Petra’s Sueño and with their Austin Latino New Play Festival: Los Tequileros and Primas, Petra’s Regalo. She has also performed, directed and assistant directed for Different Stages, Zilker Theatre Productions, the Austin Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Austin Musical Theater/Broadway Texas, and Austin Shakespeare. Mary Alice was honored to participate in the National New Play Network Showcase of New Plays in Sharon Walker’s The Madres in 2016. Mary Alice has directed new works by Austin playwrights for FronteraFest, including Route 307 by Rupert Reyes (Best of the Week, 2011), Rosetta by Candyce Rusk (Best of the Fest and Best of the Week, 2004), and this year’s Atacama by Augusto Federico Amador for Teatro Vivo’s Austin Latino New Play Festival.
(Photo by Errich Peterson, Costume by Laura Gonzalez.)