Meet Charlotte Corday: Gricelda Silva
Gricelda Silva plays assassin, Charlotte Corday, in Lauren Gunderson's The REVOLUTIONISTS for Shrewd Productions

The REVOLUTIONISTS Charlotte Corday
Badass country girl and assassin. Very serious, hardened by righteousness, never been kissed.
About Gricelda Silva
Gricelda is excited to share this real life woman with the public and to help humanize her and her intentions, and to show how influential she was to the French Revolution. She's worked with a lot of companies in this town for 7 years, but she's suuuuuuper excited for this Shrewd's debut!
Gricelda was voted Best Actress in Austin in 2015 by the Austin Chronicle and has received Austin Critics' Table and B. Iden Payne Awards for her work in CENICIENTA, CHANGELINGS, PINKOLANDIA and SIMPLE SUNDRIES.
(Photo by Errich Peterson, Costume by Jennifer Rose Davis)