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Hold Me Well Artist Profile: Eva Suter

Playwright Eva Suter on the world premiere of her play, Hold Me Well.

Eva Suter, Playwright of Hold Me Well

What are you most excited about for the premiere of Hold Me Well?

Writing this play was like writing a novel -- and only showing a little bit. I take a lot of joy in the project of world building, of all the side stories and settings just out of sight. Seeing Hold Me Well up on its feet woke that world up again, and starts my mind spinning on what's next. Where else to be explored.

I worked with Rudy early on in the initial development and world building of Hold Me Well, it's such a rad blessing to have his sharp brain and heart leading up this world premiere! I've dug Shrewd's work in town for a nice while now and am stoked to be working on this project with Shannon and the team (who's vision and excitement are a thing for this little heart to behold).

About Eva

Eva Suter is a writer and theatre artist, hailing from the great NorthWest. Last year she received her MFA in Playwriting as a Michener Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. In Portland, Oregon, she was a founding member of The Working Theatre Collective, A DIY based company dedicated to the production of new and devised works in unexpected spaces. An alum of the Great Plains Theatre Conference and the WildWind Performance Lab, Eva was a Theatre Masters' Visionary Playwright of 2015. She rides a bike, bakes bread and is the host of the Beer and Cookies Occasional Cabaret.

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© Shrewd Productions, Photos by Errich Petersen, Kimberley Mead, Steve Rogers, Tia Boyd, Maureen Martinez, Sara Erensoy, Tate English and Bret Brookshire


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