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AYLI Artist Profile: David Boss

David Boss plays Audrey and Duke Frederick in Shrewd's upcoming production of As You Like It.

About Boss

This is David's (only his mother calls him that nowadays) 24th Shakespeare production, 2nd time in As You Like It, 1st time with Shrewd and 1st time playing a woman. He is a regular performer with Austin Shakespeare and a core acting company member of 7 Towers Theatre with whom he was was last seen as Larry in "Closer." He has also performed with The Hidden Room, Breaking String, Present Company, The Vortex, and Last Act, among others. Before As You Like It opens, you can see him in a long fringe piece for Frontera Fest with Punchkin Theatre.

Why this show?

Shrewd making its foray into Shakespeare is really what got me interested. I always thought of the company as having a unique enthusiasm in its approach to the works it put on so when it came to the greatest writer, how could I say no? And when the offer to play a female role came, I couldn't really decline that kind of opportunity considering the low odds it would come around again any time soon. From the audition, it was obvious that Lily Wolff was a director I wanted to work with due to her energy, openness, and obvious understanding of the text. It's healthy to work with new directors and new companies as a whole so when Shrewd, a company for whom I haven't worked, came-a-calling, I answered.


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© Shrewd Productions, Photos by Errich Petersen, Kimberley Mead, Steve Rogers, Tia Boyd, Maureen Martinez, Sara Erensoy, Tate English and Bret Brookshire


Shrewd Productions is a sponsored project of the Austin Creative Alliance
This project is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Economic Development Department/Cultural Arts Division believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin’s future.  Visit Austin at


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