Meet Aristophanes! Rommel Sulit!
Rommel Sulit stars as Aristophanes in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions A message from Rommel And...

Meet Kepler! Trey Deason
Trey Deason stars as Johannes Kepler in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions A message from Trey I'm...

Meet Claire! Shannon Grounds
Shannon Grounds stars as Claire in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions A message from Shannon It's...

Meet Henrietta! Valoneecia Tolbert
Valoneecia Tolbert stars as Henrietta Swan Leavitt in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions A message...

Meet M! Ja'Michael Darnell
Ja'Michael Darnell stars as Devon/M in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions A message from...